Designed to seamlessly integrate with your facility, Techohash Solutions’s behavioral health EHR offers a complete solution to improve your efficiency, compliance, and profitability.
TechoHash offers intake-to-discharge control over operations, streamlines clinic functions, guarantees regulatory compliance, and enhances accountability. TechoHash automates patient information input, tracks case progress, guides paperwork completion, and generates a broad range of clinic statistics. With TechoHash, you won’t need to worry about extensive training, gradual implementation, or staff resistance.
You will find TechoHash in a class by itself when it comes to ease of installation and daily operation. The program requires little maintenance because it was developed for environments with limited (or no) IT resources. Your agency will be up and running on TechoHash quickly.
The program’s clever design and functionality will promote itself to staff. Administrators and training directors will also flock to TechoHash because it will give them unparalleled access to practice and caseload information. Powerful customization tools will enable you to tailor much of the program on your own without requiring outside support. If you do require assistance, you will find our support staff available, responsive, and skilled.
At the heart of TechoHash success is an interface methodology that is so intuitive and user-friendly that it will require little training for even the most computer-challenged staff. Keep in mind that psychologists, psychiatrists, and clinic administrators who had no patience for extra keystrokes or unwieldy procedures developed this program to make clinic life easier, not more difficult. The program is fast, efficient, self-guiding, and inherently appealing to users because it saves them time and effort.
Because this clinic management software has been “battle tested” over fifteen years of daily clinical operations, new users can rest assured that the program will function as promised, while offering practice management solutions such as: